National Specialty

On this page you will find the ABMC’s National Specialty Procedure Manual which is a detailed reference and guide to hosting a National. The Specialty Coordination and Oversight committee, ABMC Treasurer and board members are also available to help answer any questions.

Regional Specialties will be limited to two specialties a year per region and will not be held within 3 months of the ABMC National Specialty.

There will be no Regional Specialties within the calendar year (Jan. 1 to Dec. 31) in the region that will host the ABMC National Specialty and any supported entries in that region will not be held within 6 months of the ABMC National Specialty. Exceptions to this policy may be granted by the Board on a case by case basis.

ABMC’S National Specialty Procedure Manual

Information about this year’s and previous years  National Specialty.